Characteristics of Asian Women That Attract Foreign Men

Lily Yang
7 min readSep 7, 2021


Being the largest and most populous continent, Asia has significant cultures and traditions that influence its people. This may vary from generation to generation, but the customs and practices that unite Asians as a whole have more or less been observed for years until this very day.

Of all parts of the Asian region, Southeast Asia provides women a relatively favorable position compared to other Asian countries.

Each nation has its influences on women’s behavior and representation to people outside their nationalistic identity.

Asian women possess different physical attributes and intangible features, and these elements tend to attract local and foreign men.

On a different note, it has become a common scenario for Asian women to date (and even marry) foreign men. For some, their companionship becomes an official romantic attachment.

A number of interracial relationships have proven that couples of mixed nationalities work well together as long as both parties contribute and do their part. Thousands of tourists flock to Asia each year, and a good percentage of these tourists end up finding the love of their lives — some unexpectedly and some as planned.

This means that it’s not uncommon for foreigners (mostly Western men) to find a suitable relationship partner among women in Asia. Of course, their beauty and charm are accounted for, but most of the time, it has a lot to do with their distinctive characteristics. And Asian women who have had long-term relationships with foreign men can attest that this kind of love works.

Before getting into an official relationship, however, there are certain characteristics and qualities foreign men seek, most of which they consider essential in building a lasting bond — one where the future of both parties are considered if their goals align with one another if children are to be part of the picture, how they should go about their finances, and so on.

Many foreign men who have traveled to Asia and found their brides, usually share the same sentiments when it comes to identifying the traits of Asian women. To have a good understanding of these ladies, take note of the following behavioral traits of theirs:

They maintain their femininity.

Femininity is commonly used to describe how a woman should act and behave. Although this is mostly associated with women, some men tend to take this characteristic the wrong way.

They misinterpret the term and unknowingly use it against women whenever they feel that their masculinity or sense of superiority is threatened. Remarks such as, “That’s not very womanly,” “Women don’t talk like that,” “A woman should stay at home and take care of the household,” are considered degrading to women who wish to seek better opportunities not just for their family and loved ones, but also for themselves.

In most romantic relationships, men see their Asian partners as feminine in all aspects. Because of certain misinterpretations of this trait, some Asian women become limited in their capabilities and experience dominance from the men they are dating or married to.

In some societies, women are expected to serve their partners and follow what their partners demand from them.

However, their roles as romantic partners have slowly changed when they started taking part in various societal movements.

At present, women in Asia know how to handle and value their femininity in their relationship, be it with a local or foreign man.

They maintain their femininity in everything that they do, but not to the point where they allow themselves to be manipulated and controlled.

These ladies combine their femininity with loving, caring, and thoughtful traits in order to have healthy and long-lasting relationships — which is why most men (regardless of race) easily find themselves attracted to an Asian woman.

They are independent.

In early times, women in Asia depended on their husbands, as they were not allowed to engage in dealings and activities aside from building homes and nursing their children.

Over the years, their roles as romantic partners have changed. They send themselves to school and land stable jobs, all while fulfilling their responsibilities as wives and mothers.

Women in Asia, despite their culture, learn to embrace independence and pursue their passions in life.

When it comes to their personal growth, they no longer rely on their romantic partners. They may ask for advice or words of wisdom, but they see to it that their choices and decisions are not influenced by others.

Their independence might be overwhelming to men who are used to the typical gender role dynamic, but you will come to see how inspiring this trait is in the long run. Either way, it’s an admirable quality to have regardless of gender.

They value quality time with their partners.

Quality time is essential in all romantic relationships. This is where couples get to know each other and determine their compatibility.

Aside from using this to create happy memories, Asian women take this as an opportunity to show their love and affection to their partners. Some might develop this into what one might consider an unhealthy habit (becoming clingy and demanding of your time), but they mostly have good intentions in mind.

Even so, being able to make time for your significant other allows you to communicate your preferences and boundaries — something you won’t have trouble with when you’re dating an Asian lady.

They ensure an equal share of responsibilities.

An equal share of responsibilities happens when a couple lives under one roof. This kind of relationship signifies that they are ready to settle down (and in some cases, to see if they can put up with living together under one roof).

Asian women believe that for their relationship to work well, they should divide the chores equally. This setup leads to relationship satisfaction.

As per the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign study, women, in particular, become happier when their partners accept an “equal division of labor” as they live together.

The good thing about this is that couples won’t bother arguing about who does more at home and who doesn’t. Also, it doesn’t cause a feeling of inferiority to either party.

They extend their love to their partner’s family members.

Asian women put a lot of value on their families even when they have built their own. The influence and manners that their family members have taught them are reflected in how they treat their partners (and future children).

What’s even commendable is that Asian women are more than happy to show love, care, and respect to their partner’s family members. This is to further strengthen their familial bond.

They also acknowledge the advice from both families, which they use as a foundation in having a lasting relationship.

Women in Asia are Women of Substance

The historical, social construct of Asian women’s inferiority has influenced how people see them — regardless of how they fought for their significance in society.

In relevance, this reality extends even in their journey towards seeking love.

As the years' pass, women in Asia begin to be in the limelight because of their incomparable beauties and appealing personalities. They nurture themselves and the relationships they have with others in order to attract potential partners.

They use their will and voice as leverage to maintain equality between men and themselves. But this feature poses no worries as they also maintain their infrangible femininity.

They remain loving and thoughtful towards their romantic partners. Likewise, they don’t forget to incorporate their traditional way of assisting their partners with pure affection.

Regardless of how Asian women are described as vulnerable, submissive, and limited, they know when to stand on their own conviction that doesn’t negatively affect their relationship with others.

Where to Meet Asian Women?

Nowadays, the easiest and most convenient way to meet people internationally is through online dating applications. By simply installing an app or signing up with a site, you can browse through your options and chat with women you want to get to know better.

However, there is an even easier way to do that, and that is by joining a singles vacation tour offered by established international matchmaking sites.

Through these tours, you will be able to visit and explore the top tourist attractions in select countries. In this case, you’ll get to meet beautiful Asian women while touring some of the best travel destinations in a city or country of your choice.

This is an opportunity for you to meet a number of potential partners among single, like-minded women who are looking for a serious relationship.

What’s great about these tours is that professional matchmakers will be available to assist and advise in order to help both men and women form lasting connections. Several activities are also set up for everyone to enjoy and get to know each other.

Singles tours are a great way for you to meet the right woman to spend the rest of your life with. So take your interest to the next level and start meeting Asian women.



Lily Yang
Lily Yang

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