How Are Chinese Women in Shenzhen Different?

Lily Yang
5 min readJun 10, 2021


Chinese women have a certain appeal to a lot of foreign men, especially the ones in a special economic zone like Shenzhen. The perception when it comes to them is that they may be the best of both worlds, having the traditional feminine values associated with Chinese women but also being worldly enough that a foreign man isn’t going to seem like some sort of alien from the deep reaches of space.

But there are a lot of other things that can make the women in Shenzhen distinct not only from their western counterparts but also from their fellow Chinese women. These are the differences guys are going to need to know if they want to date such women.

From their western counterparts

First, you need to look at how Chinese women in general tend to be different from western ones. These are differences you’ll need to be aware of if you plan to date in China, things that you may not be aware of but will need to get familiar with.

  • They’re modest and demure

There are some dates that get really intense in a relatively short amount of time. That’s not the case with the women in China. Many of them are a lot more romantically conservative than even some of the most demure western women.

Hand-holding and hugging are bigger deals in their part of the world than it is in yours, so a lack of physical contact doesn’t mean that she’s not into you. It just means she was raised in a different culture with different norms and mores.

Just because she’s not being affectionate with you doesn’t mean she has no affection for you. It’s just that the circumstances in which she grew up have taught her to act differently than what you’re used to.

  • She’ll probably still live with her family

In a lot of western countries, there’s a certain pattern that’s followed; the child finishes their secondary education and then matriculates to a university where they’ll live in a dorm. After that, they’ll move into their own place.

That’s not the case in China. It’s not unusual for a child to live with their parents well into adulthood, even after marriage. There’s also the expectation in the culture that the child will take care of their parents when they’re physically unable to look after themselves.

This closeness with her family will also affect her dating life. Even someone with a more modern perspective is going to be defer to the opinions of her parents to some extent when it comes to her choice of a partner. So you’re going to have to win them over as much as you have to win her over.

How they differ from fellow Chinese women

Shenzhen is known as the Silicon Valley of China. A lot of high profile tech firms are either headquartered there or they have a significant presence in the city. It’s also one of the busiest ports in the world, moving thousands of tons of goods a day.

All of that has made Shenzhen an Alpha-tier city in terms of both population and economy. So you’re going to find that the people there are going to be somewhat different in terms of their outlook and attitude from their countrymen from cities that aren’t quite on the same level as Shenzhen.

  • They’re more worldly

Because Shenzhen is a port city with a lot of tech firms, it’s attracted quite a lot of foreign investment and interest. As a consequence, a person from Shenzhen is likely to have more exposure to foreigners than someone from some mountain village or even from a city that hasn’t prospered quite as much.

Because of this, you’ll find that the women are more open to dating foreign men, which is going to make things a lot easier for you when it comes to the romance department.

  • They’re whip-smart

Once again, Shenzhen’s relative prosperity comes into play when it comes to its populace. Shenzhen has quite a few institutions of higher education within the city proper. You’ll find that a lot of the women you date will have a secondary education and the intelligence to back their diploma up.

  • A lot of them will speak more than one language

Mandarin may be the national language in China, but it’s not the only one. China has a lot of languages and recent migration trends towards Shenzhen have made it so that a lot of them are represented in the same city, sometimes even within the same person.

But it won’t be just Mandarin or Cantonese or Hokkien. Shenzhen has a very large Korean population. Not to mention all the foreign language classes available because of all the foreigners coming in for either work or tourism.

So if you think that knowing a few Mandarin phrases is enough for you to be able to romance them, think again because she might be a Cantonese speaker. Or because she may actually be fluent in English and your Mandarin being bad might be a turn-off for her.

If you manage to connect with one on a dating site of some sort, then you’re going to want to figure out what language(s) she can speak and what language she’s most comfortable with if she speaks more than one.

  • A lot of them will be really good with technology

Between all the tech firms and the high level of education available in the city, you’ll find that many of the women that you meet will not be completely lost when it comes to technology. So if you find yourself having a hard time with your phone or computer, then maybe you can get help from someone that you’re dating or trying to date.

There’s always going to be a difference between people who grew up in a city when they’re compared to people who grew up in the countryside, even within the same country. Chinese women are not a monolith who are all cut from the same cloth. They’re unique in their own ways and you’re going to want to know what these ways are.



Lily Yang
Lily Yang

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